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Getting Started with TRX Suspension Training

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

What You Need to Know Before Starting a TRX Suspension Workout Routine

Woman doing outdoor TRX training
TRX Training Can Be a Great Workout

If you're looking for a challenging and effective workout that you can do anywhere, TRX suspension training might be just what you need. This workout involves using a suspension trainer (a set of straps and handles) to perform a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups.

But before you jump into a TRX workout routine, here are a few things you need to know:

#1 - TRX suspension training can help you achieve your fitness goals

TRX suspension training is a great way to build strength, improve balance and stability, and increase flexibility. By using your own body weight and the suspension trainer, you can target different muscle groups in a variety of ways. The exercises can be modified to make them more or less challenging, depending on your fitness level.

#2 - It's important to use proper form

As with any exercise, using proper form is key to preventing injuries and getting the most out of your workout. When using a suspension trainer, it's important to keep your body in a straight line and engage your core to maintain stability. Make sure you're using the right amount of tension on the straps to keep them taut but not overly tight.

#3 - TRX suspension training has some drawbacks

One of the drawbacks of TRX suspension training is that it can be more difficult to perform some exercises than traditional weight training exercises. It may take some time to get used to the instability of the suspension trainer, and you may need to start with simpler exercises before progressing to more advanced ones. Additionally, while TRX suspension training can help you build strength, it may not be the most effective way to build muscle mass.

#4 - Results can be expected with consistency

Like any workout routine, TRX suspension training requires consistency to see results. If you stick with it and challenge yourself with progressively more difficult exercises, you can expect to see improvements in strength, balance, and flexibility. However, it's important to remember that results may vary depending on your individual fitness level and goals.

#5 - TRX suspension training is recommended for a variety of fitness levels

TRX suspension training can be a great workout for people of all fitness levels. Because the exercises can be modified to make them more or less challenging, you can start at a level that's appropriate for you and work your way up as you get stronger. However, if you have any pre-existing injuries or conditions, it's important to talk to your doctor before starting a TRX workout routine.

In summary, TRX suspension training can be an effective workout for building strength, improving balance and stability, and increasing flexibility.

However, it's important to use proper form, be aware of the potential drawbacks, and start at a level that's appropriate for your fitness level. With consistency and dedication, you can expect to see results from a TRX workout routine.


  • Can be done anywhere with minimal equipment

  • Targets multiple muscle groups for a full-body workout

  • Can be modified for different fitness levels

  • Improves strength, balance, and flexibility


  • May be more difficult to perform than traditional weight training exercises

  • May not be the most effective way to build muscle mass

  • Potential for injury if proper form is not used

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